Eminem attacks Bush in leaked song "Mosh"

Looks like Eminem‘s new anti-Bush song “Mosh” has been leaked on to the net. Interpret leaked however you want. Anyway, if you are following the election, you might want to give it a listen (Real Audio, Windows Media) and also check out the transcribed lyrics. My favorite part:

And as we proceed to mosh through this desert storm
In these closing statements, if they should argue, let us beg to differ
As we set aside our differences, and assemble our own army
To disarm this weapon of mass destruction that we call our president for the present
And mosh for the future of our next generation
To speak and be heard – Mr. President – Mr. Senator!

Read: BoingBoing

43 thoughts on “Eminem attacks Bush in leaked song "Mosh"

  1. In rolling stone coming up Eminem still says he doesn’t know who he is going to vote for. I don’t think he even knows the issues but just wants to be in the middle of the shit storm. He feeds off controversy like a tick feeds off blood. I’m a Bush voter and a very big Eminem fan. Just like I am a Bush voter and a big Bruce Springsteen fan. And I don’t understand why either think their fan’s are so stupid that they can’t figure out for theirselves who to vote for…

  2. didn’t you watch 911 you dumb shit MIKE .. fuck your dumb .. lol .. jk .. don’t get mad .. bush is in it for the money .. he’s a puppet .. watch 911 .. you can’t ignore the facts in that movie .. you simply can not ignore the facts .. or was it all just made up .. a fabrication .. make-belief .. bush sucks .. watch 911 ..

  3. hey allbwoot if you believe everything you heard on 911 you are the ignorant puppet. that movie is nothing but a fabrication and exaggeration of the truth. letting those lies influence you is the stupidest thing you could do. don’t believe everything you hear… be mature and find out the facts from sources that aren’t extremists

  4. Yo Yo Yo, Wake up and smell the fuckin Coffee you stupid fucking Americans. G.W.B. is a bad bad man. You dont have to watch 911 to know this shit.

    He is a racist, he has yet to meet with the NAACP since he became President, The Plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, that shit wasnt Patriotic citizens stopping the Terrorists, it was F-18’s shooting it down before they could reach the White House.

    You see, in Canada, we saw it live while it was happening, after it happened, there was a world wide black out and then that lie about Citizens overthrowing the Terrorists, ya right.

    You Americans are hated all over the world and answer this, why doesnt anyone burn the Canadian Flag ? It happens every 5 seconds with the USA flag so wake da fuck up you dumb inbred hillbillies. BUSH IS BAD,


  5. You make me embarrassed to be a Canadian.

    I don’t like Bush either, but when you grow up a little you’ll realize you need to chill out a little and see that these things are a little more complex than you make them out to be.

  6. It’s the truth about bush… he is bad. Eminem told the truth in his song. his video alone can tell you he is bad. i hear people say they dont know who to vote for, i think u should vote for Kerry, because we already know whats going to happen in the next 4 years f he gets elected. the Us will be unbeilevable. Its better to vote for kerry because he is someone new, and we should try something new so the next 4 years wont be a disaster.

  7. Fuck bush is right
    that guys an evil all about the business fuck
    hes one fuck who dosnt even think about dead americanss not even thinkin about the dead iraqi kids hes one sick fuck
    all hes thinkin is money money money

  8. these issues go deeper than saying "fuck bush" or saying "Fuck the US", i’ve never been a big fan of the US administration but bush did do some good things for the US, not to say he didn’t a lot of crap too, in fact he did do a LOT of crap. F9/11 has some good points but micheal moore went over the top and waving around his anti-bush slogans. ya, i’m not impressed with bush, but is Kerry gunna be any better? he’d better be, every one go do some fuckin re-search into the issues before you judge shit, don’t just watch CNN, or MTV or listen to your friends, listen to people who aren’t in it for the money or the publicity, listen to people who know about the economy, know politics and know…

    BTW: Eminem doesn’t give a fuck who wins the election, anyone who knows anything about the guy know’s that he’s just in it because he know’s all the sheep of america will follow his anti bush slogan… he’s not the only one saying what he’s saying, but he’s the only one with a big enough following of sheep who will listen…

    BTOW: listen music with some talent, and some people who give a fuck if you buy their record, eminem doesn’t give a fuck about you…

  9. yeah okay, who gives a fuck about his song. you guys bash on eminem and bash on bush for what?… he made a song about bush, oh no. its not really your say on whether or not em is a bad rapper or not. so what, some people dont like his song because they dont like him, others dont like it because they LOVE bush. who cares, he did it, its done, its over with.

  10. Get on out there & vote! Everyone! If you’re not old enough, make sure everyone you know votes. That’s the ONLY way anything will change. We can bitch all we want. (I do all the time.) NOW we can do something about it. This song hit a strong chord with me. Brought 4 years of ebbing disgust and hatred to full boil. I wasn’t a big Eminem fan, but this song brought me to tears. I can only hope that it’s reached enough out there so we can make a change. VOTE TODAY!!!!

  11. eminem ur dam rite this song is so amzain its got the best message ever, as an mc i no that the reason for mcin is to get a message across to the world, and to prove to mates that u can do it

  12. eminem ur dam rite this song is so amzain its got the best message ever, as an mc i no that the reason for mcin is to get a message across to the world, and to prove to mates that u can do it

  13. This country has lost their mind. All my teen years are going to be fucked up. All I know is that this was the first time Bush was actually elected. People in this country sadden me. "o0o HU HU Fox said Bush won so lets go with that hehehhe *drool*" The next 4 years are going to be Hell.

  14. I agree with catie. my teen years are goin to be fuck up. yes catie this counrty has lost their mind. what in the world is this country thinking ??. I still bush no matter what he does.
    P.S. did u know they might make weed legal???

  15. I agree with catie. my teen years are goin to be fuck up. yes catie this counrty has lost their mind. what in the world is this country thinking ??. I still bush no matter what he does.
    P.S. did u know they might make weed legal???

  16. Look everyone here, all you need to know is America is in for a serious backstabbing. This country blows I am moving to Canada. All of you go watch the fucking Eminem Music Video "Mosh" I’m sick and tired of people attacking Americans, CANADA you know some of us do hate bush… Yeah thats right he’s a greedy little bitching man, who got some of Daddy’s money, and now he rules the most wealthy and powerful country on the planet. No one should hate us for who we are… The fact that an American can stand up for what he or she believes in is proof enough that there is hope for the world once the United States falls. Oh yeah… anyone under the impression that America is in great shape and no one will mess with it? Who ever fits that category is so blind I hope they can pull their heads out their asses, before it’s to late.

  17. I feel sorry for Americans that have to deal with the policies that Bush passes. I like eminems song, dont care about his intentions. Bush shouldnt have gotten elected again. Many Americans are upset. The only reason for the U.S invasion of Iraq was for the oil in that riegon, which they have wanted for a long time. this isnt the first time The united states have invaded a country for oil. When Iran Overthrew thier Corrupt king and nationalised thier oil fields, the United States with the help of British OVERTHREW THE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT AND REINSTATED OUR CORRUPT KING! PUT THE KING BACK IN AND GOT THE OIL BACK!! put the Iranian prime minister in to exile for the rest of his life. this is why Iranians burn the american flag on this day annually. This is why the U.S funded Osama Binladen with millions of dollars to attack the Soviets. This is why I think The american people are brainwashed by the CNN and similar news channel and braodcasters. Americans need to know thier nation is a big bad bulley. The present state of Iran is a corrupt islamic republic. we have the U.S to thank for that. We had a democracy, but the U.S overthrew it.
    Know that when the U.S says that tehy go to Iraq for the freedom. IT IS BULLSHIT. KNOW IT. Know your history. know your facts. from the words of a former defence minister that the winner claims victory, the looser gets tried for the killings. people dont hate America for no reason

  18. Don’t worry you all will grow up and become republicans once you actually work for your money and dont’ want to give it up… the american way… you’ll be Jeb’s puppets from ’08 until ’16… bank on it.

  19. jesus christ lay off us americans i am canadian. you dont know shit!!!!! The citizens did try to overpower them!!!! My dad was on the plane that crashed in pennsylvania!!!!! You off all the shit about sept.11. I am 13 and i know more goddamn shit then youll ever knoe you stupid illiterate bitch and if you dont like it you can kiss my white fucking ass you stupid hoe! The plane did not get shot down or whatever the fuck you said!!! You dont know shit about what happened. You couldnt see it before the world trade center and shit happened because it wasnt staged you dumb stupid faggot!!!! Eminem rocks and you cant do anything about it or should i say aboot it!!!!! HAhahahahhahahahahahahahaha!!! Im srry to all the canadians that are reading this besides i am canadian cause shes a stupid hoe and you just got told bitch!!!!! Bush is dumb but hes president and you cant do anything about it!!!!!!!

  20. You guys are complaining about how Bush won the elections… shouldn’t you folks go complain to the ones that did the actual voting?(YOUR PARENTS MAYBE??)

    *this does not concern those who are eligible to vote…

    By the way I’m Canadian…

  21. all of u guys r gayyyyy!! U.S.A sucks so does its ppl… CANADA RULESSSS all of u American can kiss my Canadian (_|_) 😛 lolzz Bush is a MONKEY!!

  22. Ah am an ameikkan citizen. Ah am prezidant of amerikka an just cos i own oil contraks and stuff and im good friends wiv the bin-liners… urm i mean ladins (thanks professor liebstrom!) theres no reason too think im crap and stuff an call me a monkey…

    God bless armenia – luv Dubya Buff


  24. Its u americans dat need 2 do something about it ,im an iranian living in london and u no hes gonna try attack Iran next, and anyway bush is the REAL terrorist & so is bin laden , u dont have 2 be educated to no that, why doesnt some1 volunteer 2 b da next timothy mcveigh, i definetly would if i knew me being blown up would kill bush……

  25. I see, so when another country attacks America, its called terrorism. But whenever America attacks another country, its counter-terrorism. So that’s how it goes nowadays, eh? Glad I’m a Canadian, ‘cuz we — and the rest of the world — don’t see it that way. Good luck in the future; you’re going to need it.

  26. ahh hah ah ha America is 200,000 + a year
    Amerika is 14000 – a year fuck the rich feel bad for the poor that get shit on by the rich and the people in the middle let them be sheep

  27. Sam your right! we are going to need it for about 5 min Right before the market drops then Canada will need it to. People wake up bush kerry it didnt matter America is dead! it just dosnt know it yet move to greenland Denmark wont mind please save but not in plastic also i love my brothers in america but see ya I love my daughter more


  29. ‘evening chaps, I thought I’d give in my two pence. I am from England, the United Kingdom, Britain, etc….Anyway, I love the united states. I love Everything about it. Except one man. George Bush. And we can’t do anything about it folks, But the thing is, is so may of you hate him, then I am left with a serendiptous wonder as to why over half of America voted for the man. Chaps, John Kerry may have been bad, yet in the end of the proverbial story, one must choose, in this case, the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately, The less prevailing of your citizens haven’t quite caught onto that. I can only be optimistic : My friends, In less than four years, You can revote, and do justice to America. And God bless those who don’t vote on george bush. My departing words can only be summarised as ‘ Shit happens, and it’s not final ‘

  30. Jeezuz fuckin’ christ it’s quite obvious – Bush is a warlord. He scares the shit outta me, he is psycho. Just look at the shit that is happening right now in London, more terrorist attacks. What will they call this? 775? Scary shit i say. Let’s see who they blame and what they do. Bush is mentally retarded. Tony Blair is bushes little lap dog. Let’s see how Bush pressures Blair into doing something stupid. WW3 here we come…

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