Funny Alberta Cheques

Post ImageI came across this bit of satire today, entitled “Government of Canada to Issue ‘Screw You, Rest of Canada’ Cheques to Each Resident of the Province”. Needless to say, it made me laugh:

Totally out of character, the Alberta Premier became testy when an insolent reporter from Upper Canada had the temerity to question him about Alberta profiting from high energy prices while Canadians are about to face enormous increases in their heating bills this winter. “Look! It’s our money! Get your grubby Central Canadian hands off of it!” barked the Premier. “We’ll do what we want!”

“Bring on some more goddamned hurricanes!”

Each and every Albertan will receive one of six different special ‘Screw You, Rest of Canada’ commemorative cheques in the mail in the next six weeks.

You really have to read the entire article, it’s very funny! The cheques themselves are quite a riot too!

Read: The Hammer