Camping Trip Recap!

Wow, what a weekend! Or was it?! Haha just kidding, it was tons of fun, even though it poured almost the entire time. And because it rained, it was quite cold too. We had a pretty good turnout, with Andrew, Jane, Megan, Andrea, Jen, Felicia, Chu, Michelle, John, Peter, AndrewH, Dickson, Sharon, and Kimmi making appearances.

First off, big thanks to Jane for getting this show on the road. And awesome job picking the site, we are definitely going to have to go back. Megan, Felicia and I arrived around 7 PM on Friday to see Andrew and Jane setting up camp, and Chu and Michelle setting up the love shack! Man that tent was rocking! Friday night also saw Andrea and Jen come in Andrea’s Aztek (you know, with the tent on the back) and John, Peter and AndrewH all came as well.

It absolutely poured on Friday night, an experience Inge summed up quite well – “it felt like I was in Jurassic Park”. That description was dead on – everywhere you stepped there was a huge puddle of water and mud. Everything was completely soaked on Saturday morning, including my jeans. So soaked in fact, that Felicia had to lend me her sweatpants so Andrew and I could take some clothes down to the dryer. Thank goodness Kokanee Springs is an RV park and had such facilities!

In addition to a washer and dryer, they have a driving range which we took full advantage of on Saturday. Felicia and I did our best to make a “happy gilmore” shot, and the one that I hit perfectly came right after Jane turned off the video camera. Peter had the longest drive, with Andrew and I not far behind.

Jane was our resident cook, and she made some awesome sandwiches on Saturday. Oh yeah, and Andrea toasted the buns and spread the mayo, so kudos beans! Dickson and Sharon stopped by on Saturday, and I think Sharon wins the award for “Most Out Of Place”. Fortunately they stayed long enough to see the fireworks! Not real fireworks, but we got some awesome flames going with coffeemate. Flames so high that we almost got the trees! The stuff is so flamable its crazy – I even burned my hand with it! It rained again Saturday night, and Megan’s stereo finally gave out and starting making noises like an upset animal.

Unfortunately most people left Saturday night, so there was only me, Andrew, Kimmi, Megan, Chu and Michelle left on Sunday morning. Chu and Michelle got up at some ungodly hour and left, so the rest of us had to clean up the campsite. It looked like a damn warzone, let me tell you. We even had explosions as Kimmi decided it would be a good idea to throw a lighter into the fire! If only we had video footage…

Kim, Inge, Megan and I went to Denny’s for lunch after we got back into the city today. It was kind of funny actually, we were so dirty and probably smelled so bad. I can just imagine what people were thinking! Somehow I arrived home with more alcohol than I took (Kimmi brought me more out on Saturday) so we’ll have to go camping again soon 🙂 I dunno about anyone else, but that shower I had when I got home was quite possibly the most satisfying I have ever had. I can finally feel my feet again.

Alright, I think in order to make a good experience great, you have to take away some piece of knowledge – you gotta learn something. I think this weekend was great, so here is what I took away:

  • Andrew is a pretty good camper – and he slept in the bed of his truck! Awesome!
  • You should always bring two pairs of pants and two pairs of shoes. Thanks Felicia!
  • Coffeemate even burns in the air and will carry the flame quite high!
  • Lighters make awesome explosions in fire pits.
  • You should definitely wear gloves when at the driving range.
  • You can reply to almost any statement with some variation of “or can you?!”
  • Shoes will burn when you put them in the fire.
  • The conversation can always reach “a new low!”
  • When you’re in the forest, you are never out of firewood.
  • CD’s can be dried off and played without error.
  • A marshmallow is only roasted properly when you can take the shell off three times.
  • I am a very helpful and considerate drunk!

Ah good times! Check out the photo album of pictures from my camera here. Hopefully I can get the rest of the pictures and video from Jane, Felicia and whoever else, and we can put together a CD photo album. I expect to see all of you there next time, for the entire weekend!

13 thoughts on “Camping Trip Recap!

  1. I expect you naked and drenched in mud getting raped by a bear next time we go camping you pinko…

    Good times inDEED Mack, yes, I am a warrior, sticking it out in my truck, although really, I just didn’t wanna bother anyone with my snoring…and next time…I BRING THE VAN!

  2. I must say that was a interesting camping trip. Despite the weather, Inge’s snoring, and the dog’s barking it was all good. Don’t worry Inge, the snoring can be your trademark! Or if you were a superhero that can be your weapon. Ok seriously, everybody snores sometimes but oh well no big deal. And btw I DO have a ceiling over my bed!

  3. Wahaha. Yeaps, good times indeed… but I must say, dude, you snore pretty loudly as well!!! Hahahaha! 😉 See you at the ‘after-party’ on Saturday!!!!! =D

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