Back in one piece!

As you can see, I made it back alive from the Kokanee Freeride! I’d never been boarding on a mountain before, so it was quite an experience. The weather was awesome, and the snow was really good in the morning. In the afternoon it kinda turned to slush, and just made everything soaking wet, but that’s okay.

I think I did pretty good snowboarding. I could definitely get used to it. Thanks to Felicia, Dickson and especially Andrew for putting up with my slowness – I constantly felt I was holding them up! I didn’t fall down THAT many times, but my knees are a bit sore. Fortunately, no face plants this time. I do have to learn not to rely on my heels so much though, it makes the leg muscles very sore after a while. One cool thing, as Andrew pointed out, is that I managed to make it off the lift once (or was it twice?) without falling! Definitely an accomplishment for me šŸ™‚

The bus ride there and back seemed very long, but the stop in Edson (about half way) made it bearable. The beer gardens were pretty cool at mid-mountain, lots of people, including the Kokanee girls! And they looked just like they do in the commercial, with the silver suits and everything. It was awesome! I didn’t drink that much, but my snowboarding-goddess friend Felicia (she’s really good) managed to down a couple, and then board down the hill with a Kokanee in hand. I wish I could say I did that, but I’d have spilt the beer for sure, and I’m not into alcohol abuse! Next time.

I must say, snowboarding on a mountain is very humbling. There were hundreds of little kids who could carve circles around me, it was insane. They must have started very young – made me feel old actually. The wonderful views and longer runs made up for that though!

If I had any complaints, it would be that the lockers are too small, and there aren’t enough. Seems to me they could make a lot of money if they upgraded that part of the experience. Minor detail though, really. Hopefully I’ll get the pictures from Felicia soon (she was our photographer) so I can post the good ones. Definitely liking this snowboarding thing. Again, thanks Kim for scoring us the tickets, and thanks Dickson, Andrew and Felicia for coming! It was fun šŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “Back in one piece!

  1. no worries mack, by the time we go to Big White, you’ll be ready, honestly, the bunny hill at Big White is like….half the size of the first green run we went on, Big White is HUGE! so better keep those leg muscles in good shape šŸ˜€

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