Convocation Congratulations!

Post ImageThere are so many of you convocating this week, I figured it would be much easier to just make a blanket congratulations post. And hey, if you’ve learned anything during your time at the University, it’s that I am lazy! Or that sometimes, you can’t help but cut a few corners.

So to Violet, Annie, Sharon, Megan, and whoever else is convocating in the near future that I missed, congratulations! Some of you have already made your way into the “real world”, but I know all of you will be successful. I just hope you find your time at University was useful, because we all know my thoughts on that matter.

Ever wonder why it’s called “convocation” and not “graduation” or something? Especially since they limit the number of people who can convoke anyway. There’s your thought for the day!

Read: University of Alberta

4 thoughts on “Convocation Congratulations!

  1. I don’t know why it’s convocation. It’s kind of a mess. It’s like using "Graduands" before we walk across the stage and "Graduates" after we’ve done so. Crazy university….

  2. Yeah…can’t believe the University is still all stuffy with the terms. Well, guess that’s their only specialty – they just don’t want to admit it. Anyway, with the rise of the use of informal terms…you know like how normal people would talk..maybe when our kids graduate from university, they would skip terms like "graduands" entirely and replace it with something like "the people with the cardboard hats". I like it 😉

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