Notes for 10/30/2005

One more day until November and still no snow – I like it!

  • Just got back from the Matthew Good concert at the Starlite. I went with Megan, making this like fourth time we’ve seen him perform I think. He played a really great set tonight, and he even played my favorite song, Weapon (he didn’t play it the last time I saw him).
  • My new favorite day of the week is Thursday. Why? Because there are $2 drinks at Lux!
  • Sharon wants to buy a portable CD player to replace her old one, and so I gave her my little speech on how she sould be buying an MP3 player instead. It fell on deaf ears, so I called her a luddite, and to my surprise she didn’t know what that meant! For once I knew something about the English language that Sharon didn’t!
  • I started reading Ray Kurzweil’s new book The Singularity a few days ago, and I am completely enthralled. It’s so interesting – it makes me want to go to sleep for twenty years and wake up when the good times are rolling!
  • Looks like the Telus strike isn’t going to end anytime soon – the union rejected a tentative agreement today. Very slim margin though, with 50.3% voting against the agreement.
  • It has been almost 24 hours since I last ate, so I think I am going to head home and have a bite to eat before I go to sleep. Oddly though I’m not hungry.
  • Happy Halloween!

7 thoughts on “Notes for 10/30/2005

  1. LUX!!! Finally someone understands the unadulterated near-orgasmic greatness at LUX. Congratulations on having the second best taste in Edmonton!!! 😉

  2. Yes Colin, the books are not what you would call light reading. The Singularity itself is quite thick!

    Thanks Justice, I’ll take second best taste! Perhaps we should have a .NET Wizards event at Lux…

  3. Yes. Matthew Good rocked my world last night. he was incredible. And he played the acoustic version of Tripoli (near-orgasmic for me!!!)

    And if Sharon’s a luddite in terms of music players, I think you’re a luddite with your tank of a phone! 😛

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